Eliminate Render-Blocking Icon Fonts

Jun 24, 2021

Currently, Google is going through a major shift with its search algorithm and its emphasis on core vitals. Developers are trying everything to shave even 100s of milliseconds in load time to achieve that high vitals score.

Assesing your need for the icon font is a new factor in render-blocking optimization. When services like fontwawesome, flaticon, etc first came out they were brilliant. You could reuse them in projects and themes with no file sources, you could link to CDNs and get fresh content, it was a real game changer for modern web development.


Considering using SVGs instead of icon font imports to save on your Core Vitals score and render-blocking resources.

If you are building a UI or a web application dashboard these services are still in need, but for modern web design of marketing websites, like your average B2C business, they can hinder your SEO goals. Lets take a look below at a real work example of Google PageSpeed Insights reporting this issue.

Eliminate Render-Blocking Icon Fonts Report thumbnail

You can see here how large a transfer size and load time delay can be caused by these services. This isn't just a 1 time network lag report either, I ran it multiple times on different sites.

If you are using Icon Font Services purely for social media icons in your header or footer you should strongly consider using SVGs instead.

 <svg fill="currentColor" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="m15.997 3.985h2.191v-3.816c-.378-.052-1.678-.169-3.192-.169-3.159 0-5.323 1.987-5.323 5.639v3.361h-3.486v4.266h3.486v10.734h4.274v-10.733h3.345l.531-4.266h-3.877v-2.939c.001-1.233.333-2.077 2.051-2.077z"/></svg> 

Replace the <i> element from your font service with the above SVG code for a Facebook Icon. The "currentColor" attribute takes on the "color" attribute when inside a link tag or similar element.

Twitter Icon SVG:

 <svg fill="currentColor" height="18" width="18" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M24 4.557c-.883.392-1.832.656-2.828.775 1.017-.609 1.798-1.574 2.165-2.724-.951.564-2.005.974-3.127 1.195-.897-.957-2.178-1.555-3.594-1.555-3.179 0-5.515 2.966-4.797 6.045-4.091-.205-7.719-2.165-10.148-5.144-1.29 2.213-.669 5.108 1.523 6.574-.806-.026-1.566-.247-2.229-.616-.054 2.281 1.581 4.415 3.949 4.89-.693.188-1.452.232- 1.956 2.444 3.379 4.6 3.419-2.07 1.623-4.678 2.348-7.29 2.04 2.179 1.397 4.768 2.212 7.548 2.212 9.142 0 14.307-7.721 13.995-14.646.962-.695 1.797-1.562 2.457-2.549z"/></svg> 

Instagram Icon SVG:

 <svg fill="currentColor" height="18" width="18" viewBox="0 0 511 511.9" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="m510.949219 150.5c-1.199219-27.199219-5.597657-45.898438-11.898438-62.101562-6.5-17.199219-16.5-32.597657-29.601562-45.398438-12.800781-13-28.300781-23.101562-45.300781-29.5-16.296876-6.300781-34.898438-10.699219-62.097657-11.898438-27.402343-1.300781-36.101562-1.601562-105.601562-1.601562s-78.199219.300781-105.5 1.5c-27.199219 1.199219-45.898438 5.601562-62.097657 11.898438-17.203124 6.5-32.601562 16.5-45.402343 29.601562-13 12.800781-23.097657 28.300781-29.5 45.300781-6.300781 16.300781-10.699219 34.898438-11.898438 62.097657-1.300781 27.402343-1.601562 36.101562-1.601562 105.601562s.300781 78.199219 1.5 105.5c1.199219 27.199219 5.601562 45.898438 11.902343 62.101562 6.5 17.199219 16.597657 32.597657 29.597657 45.398438 12.800781 13 28.300781 23.101562 45.300781 29.5 16.300781 6.300781 34.898438 10.699219 62.101562 11.898438 27.296876 1.203124 36 1.5 105.5 1.5s78.199219-.296876 105.5-1.5c27.199219-1.199219 45.898438-5.597657 62.097657-11.898438 34.402343-13.300781 61.601562-40.5 74.902343-74.898438 6.296876-16.300781 10.699219-34.902343 11.898438-62.101562 1.199219-27.300781 1.5-36 1.5-105.5s-.101562-78.199219-1.300781-105.5zm-46.097657 209c-1.101562 25-5.300781 38.5-8.800781 47.5-8.601562 22.300781-26.300781 40-48.601562 48.601562-9 3.5-22.597657 7.699219-47.5 8.796876-27 1.203124-35.097657 1.5-103.398438 1.5s-76.5-.296876-103.402343-1.5c-25-1.097657-38.5-5.296876-47.5-8.796876-11.097657-4.101562-21.199219-10.601562-29.398438-19.101562-8.5-8.300781-15-18.300781-19.101562-29.398438-3.5-9-7.699219-22.601562-8.796876-47.5-1.203124-27-1.5-35.101562-1.5-103.402343s.296876-76.5 1.5-103.398438c1.097657-25 5.296876-38.5 8.796876-47.5 4.101562-11.101562 10.601562-21.199219 19.203124-29.402343 8.296876-8.5 18.296876-15 29.398438-19.097657 9-3.5 22.601562-7.699219 47.5-8.800781 27-1.199219 35.101562-1.5 103.398438-1.5 68.402343 0 76.5.300781 103.402343 1.5 25 1.101562 38.5 5.300781 47.5 8.800781 11.097657 4.097657 21.199219 10.597657 29.398438 19.097657 8.5 8.300781 15 18.300781 19.101562 29.402343 3.5 9 7.699219 22.597657 8.800781 47.5 1.199219 27 1.5 35.097657 1.5 103.398438s-.300781 76.300781-1.5 103.300781zm0 0"/><path d="m256.449219 124.5c-72.597657 0-131.5 58.898438-131.5 131.5s58.902343 131.5 131.5 131.5c72.601562 0 131.5-58.898438 131.5-131.5s-58.898438-131.5-131.5-131.5zm0 216.800781c-47.097657 0-85.300781-38.199219-85.300781-85.300781s38.203124-85.300781 85.300781-85.300781c47.101562 0 85.300781 38.199219 85.300781 85.300781s-38.199219 85.300781-85.300781 85.300781zm0 0"/><path d="m423.851562 119.300781c0 16.953125-13.746093 30.699219-30.703124 30.699219-16.953126 0-30.699219-13.746094-30.699219-30.699219 0-16.957031 13.746093-30.699219 30.699219-30.699219 16.957031 0 30.703124 13.742188 30.703124 30.699219zm0 0"/></svg> 

LinkedIn Icon SVG:

 <svg fill="currentColor" height="18" width="18" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="m23.994 24v-.001h.006v-8.802c0-4.306-.927-7.623-5.961-7.623-2.42 0-4.044 1.328-4.707 2.587h-.07v-2.185h-4.773v16.023h4.97v-7.934c0-2.089.396-4.109 2.983-4.109 2.549 0 2.587 2.384 2.587 4.243v7.801z"/><path d="m.396 7.977h4.976v16.023h-4.976z"/><path d="m2.882 0c-1.591 0-2.882 1.291-2.882 2.882s1.291 2.909 2.882 2.909 2.882-1.318 2.882-2.909c-.001-1.591-1.292-2.882-2.882-2.882z"/></svg>